Friday, March 8, 2019

Can diabetes be cured?

Diabetes in remission simply means the body does not show any signs of diabetes. However, the disease is technically still there. According to Diabetes Care remission can take different forms: Partial remission: When a person has had a blood glucose level lower than that of a person with diabetes for at least 1 year without any diabetes medication. Complete remission: When the blood glucose level returns to normal, not simply pre-diabetic levels, for at least 1 year without any medications. Prolonged remission: When complete remission lasts for at least 5 years.

Even if a person has had normal blood sugar levels for 20 years, their diabetes is still considered to be in remission rather than "cured."
There is no known cure for diabetes. The good news is that remission is possible in many cases and can be as simple as making some lifestyle changes.
